2011 Eckhart Tolle – The End of Suffering?

This is a response to this interview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Deq_1lg9Dlo

Probably everyone wants to end suffering in this world. I mean there are not many people who will say: “Nope lets continue suffering in this world” In essence we all think that we experienced and had our share of ‘suffering’ as well in our lives. So being confronted with this question the majority will response with: “Yes! It’s preferable to end suffering in this world!” Its a political correct answer to give. So what about walking the talk into being?

So lets start with looking at the word suffering which is referred to as a mental or physical state. Mental suffering is what we use the word for in most of the cases we utilise it to address emotional, psychological, and spiritual suffering. Physical suffering we do not or almost never refer to only when someone is physically disabled, handicapped not taking into account the number one cause of physical suffering: Famine.

Physical suffering caused by Starvation, that’s the physical that Suffers. Isn’t this actually a burden on everyone’s shoulders, that we aren’t doing all within our power to end it? Eckhart Tolle claims to have the solutions to end mental suffering by “no longer mentally argue with what is”.

These words bag for the following:
1.3 billion – a majority of humanity – live on less than $1 per day (UNICEF)- This causes undernourishment, and male nutritious which eventually lead to starvation and death, if you don’t have food to eat you as the physical will suffer, try to live without food and see how you are in say about one year, its kind of predictable you will die, a real raw fact which is what is here right in front of us to see and face thats what is for each one to face. “To no longer argue with what is” IS the BEGINNING of Suffering, because men sees yet does not act upon it.

He refers in his video to Jesus words “Finding the pearl of great price, finding the kingdom of heaven that is within you here”

Practisvist, Destonians walk Jesus words into being we state: Lets share the Pearl of great Price with All. The pearl of great Price is Money! Giving all what you want for yourself. Everyone wants to feel comfortable, secure and safe which All can have by giving all what all wants, which is Money. The Price each one has to ‘pay’ for it, is Giving. Then the Pearl of great Price will equalize All for Once and for All! We will ban, Ban the King which is Money, the Kingdom of heaven on Earth will be established without King and D(o)om.

End suffering? Bringing Heaven on Earth!
Give All what one wants for themself, End Suffering, – Equal Money for All.

1 Comment

  1. sandyjones says:

    Beautiful, straight forward common sense! Thanks Jozien. A few years ago (before I found Desteni) I looked into attending a seminar given by Tolle, lol–it was over $100 U.S. – a fortune for me at the time. I bought alot of groceries for my children that month instead.

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