2012 – The Ones that went before Us

It has been hard to grasp for me when I started to walk this process of aligning myself with whats best for all, that there is actually no one to blame and that there is actually no one really other than me that has created this mess.

We, as I experienced have the tendency to blame others for our current lives and the first one’s we actually start blaming for our own misery are our parents. The ones that went before us, and from there on we blame the educational system, jobs,society, politics and so on.

I realise/see and understand that this world is within my own image and likeness and within this understanding the ones that went before me are me in fact , because that’s what I left behind. I see realise and understand that I walk into and emerge from the whole into this world as what I left behind, created already. How could I emerge into something which isn’t me? That would be strange, when being part of the whole one can not emerge into something other than oneself in fact.

So within this realisation I can’t say or claim that the ones that went before me are separated from me because they are part of me, it makes the component of blame a complete different ball game.Its like blaming your back of being part of you and only because you can’t see your back you perceive that its separated from oneself,  yet you will start feeling it when it hurts because its undeniable part of you – lol

Artwork: http://www.thanuka.com/index.php

2012 – Common Ground

Common Ground in Relationships

Sharing Common Ground, I actually always took this point for granted, when being with others, while being in a relationship. I assumed that there had to be some kind of common ground other wise we wouldn’t be friends, or in a relationship or what ever we were doing together.  So yeah one can share common ground like e.g. sex, playing, sports, hobbies,books, study, or  what ever one can have in common when being in a relationship.

Actually this assumption that what we have in common is actually ‘enough’ or ‘ok’  this misconception of reality fucked/screwed me extensively because I didn’t actually know and understand that when one in fact shares as the common ground is what we currently accept as it .

And we all know what atrocity we have manifested as such.

One will create and manifest just that within relationships what’s accepted as our current Common Ground which is the world we are living in.

It took me a while to start grasping the content of it, understanding it for real.

So actually what I always  tried to do was establishing a common ground with people – lol I always did probably all do!  Now this understanding of a common ground has changed a bit over the last years – I’m in a process of  realigning myself with whats best for all Life and I committed myself to bring about a world that’s best for all!

So if I now meet people or hang out with people from my past I see that we all accept our current stand as our shared common ground. That well basically its just that – there is no common ground that’s best for all yet and there will be no common ground unless the other person(s) all participants within the relationship commit themselves to walk into being what’s best for all in all ways in all forms and commit and dedicate their lives to it until it’s done.

I’d experienced severe difficulty with this specific point in the past and actually only recently started grasping how it actually goes down. So yeah common ground can only be established and is only real when one shares and walks the same commitment into being.

There only exist one valid commitment, to commit oneself to bring about  whats best for all.

I commit myself to be part of a group of people who are bringing about what’s best for all in all ways in all forms and all that are walking this commitment to dedicate their life’s to it as the sole purpose of living in the given time walking this earth. I commit myself while walking among those that haven’t yet realised that whats best for all is best for them until that point I express clarity whenever I see an opening, a window of opportunity to do so. I commit myself to only align myself with those that are walking which I am walking, so that in this process no one can cheat b/c all have walked and re-aligned themselves as the process as the commitment of walking into being that’s what’s best for all as the purpose of living in the time walking on this earth.

2012- Finding Purpose


the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists”

My entire life I’ve been looking for a purpose I actually got in severe problems because of this seeking of the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists”

Simple because I couldn’t find it in any way and it brought me to a mental break down read severe depression. Somewhere down the line I had picked up that I simply must have a purpose otherwise my live would be totally meaningless within this world/reality or existence even. Yet wherever I looked I couldn’t found a purpose of living. So it’s actually the question of wanting to know why one exists, which is probably a question in many of us. Which is already also locks one within the equation of the question “why” instead of “how” one is living and see if within the “how” one is living is possible a way out of the “why”.

I completely overlooked “how” I live and “how” we exist! Not even considering that there could be answers within, meaning looking at myself from a different perspective/ platform than I’m used to or taught to. I must say that actually at that stage there wasn’t any other way to reflect upon my reality than I did b/c I simply was lacking a platform based on common sense within to reflect upon!

Looking for a purpose in this world/life existence is simply another form of believing in (a) god that will miraculously give you purpose and that’s what I was exercising all the way through, yet I wasn’t even aware of it. The wrapper of this search was called inner soul-searching which is nothing else than how to obey a god and furthermore to ask god to give you a purpose.

Asking someone else for a purpose in your life is like sitting in the kitchen looking at a huge pile of dishes and waiting for someone to enter the door to tell you how to clean it . lol

It’s just plain stupid.

This path of believing that one will find a purpose somewhere will and can only lead to absolute isolation. To illustrate it with a personal experience I mean at a certain point I was only being occupied with this one question what’s my fucking purpose? So I went to see a spiritual healer and the moment I walked out the door again I was holding a little bottle of water, which was injected with a cosmic organic voice from the universe that vibrated with mine. For full effect I had to wear day and night unto my skin. So I did, I stacked this tiny little bottle into my bra and can remember feeling in a total recognised onto my way of finding my true purpose within this world. Sharing this story is in no way to ridicule anyone! ~It only illustrates how far out I was.

And how far we disconnected ourselves from seeing the dishes that needs to be cleaned, getting it done. We have disconnected ourselves from seeing what we have created in this world and what exist within ourselves by consistently denying reality as it is. For me to be able to find a purpose in the first place can only exist while others are not even placed in such luxurious positions, a simple fact I overlooked within my quest of self-interest matters is: That for me to have others cannot have! ! !

How far out I’d been, seeking for self-interest goals, how did I separated myself to isolate myself from all others not even considering all others because I couldn’t even Consider or Grasp that I am part of All.

Looking for a purpose is overlooking the state of this world and that this world must be sorted out into a world that’s benefiting all! Is this now a new purpose of living? I would say yes because best for all is always here. It will stand into infinity, solid as a rock its the only valid purpose of living b/c it includes all life! So that’s the purpose I have given to myself and that’s what I will show my children as well!

A purpose is something given to you, a form of control that reveals itself in the way the world works. This then allows one to realize if you dare that if you are not the one that gave you the purpose, you are mind controlled. The only valid purpose that will be universally sustainable for eternity is that which is best for all life in all ways. make sure you are not the result of forces –rather be the force of life that give equality as one to all. The finding of a purpose is self deception. Purpose as what is best for all is always here. Only self interest let one seek your self interest and happiness in isolation. Those that do not in every breath live and dedicate themselves to what is best for all life is in fact lost in self interest and external happiness remote control.

- Bernard Poolman



Featured Art Work by Cathy Krafft
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1614351060





2011 Equal Money – FAQ — Will Dentist fix teeth for free within an Equal Money system?

Will Dentist fix teeth for free within an Equal Money system?
Equal Money – FAQ

An Equal Money System is in fact manifesting a system where one is Giving All what you want for yourself, Dental Care is thus and will be part of Giving to all what you want for yourself.

Follow the blog books regularly http://store.desteni.org/products/freedom-blogs-the-birth-of-practivism-volume-1
which are available at the Desteni Store http://store.desteni.org along with many other self-supportive products.

Also see the Non-Profit Organization — Equal Life Foundation: http://equallife.org/

The Equal Money system will be a first step in the political agenda of the Equal Life Party worldwide once we start participating in democratic elections. Join the Desteni Forum for discussions.


See life coaching join the forum
visit the forum at http://http://desteni.org/

2011 Who will be the leaders in an Equal Money System? How will decisions be made? Will there be a central administration? Equal Money – FAQ

Who will be the leaders in an Equal Money System?
How will decisions be made? Will there be a central administration?
Equal Money – FAQ

“Who will be the leaders in an Equal Money System” ?
First of all the leaders that are currently in charge haven’t been equipped or schooled to be a leader within the best interest of All. Atm the best deceiver will win the election.
So we first want to establish a point where one can be trusted to always walk, act within the best interest of ALL. This should be a mandatory part of a (re-)educational program/course that all should walk in order to understand the ways of being in a position of taking responsibility for all within a practical actual ‘job’.
This is a basic part of ones education to be able to stand, direct and express as part of ones responsibility as a human being what’s actually involved within governing All within this world and from there on, being able to establish the practical steps to do so.

The test will be if a person is thus able to always act within the best interest of All and thus able to take on such a responsibility.

“How will decision be made”?
Decision-making will be done through the same principle within the best interest of All. People who are living by this principle are the ones that can be trusted with decision-making in the context of what is best for All. So therefore what can be automated not done by persons will be automated to prevent any possible creation of back doors and abuse. e.g. each one can respond to ones reality through participating within voting for a decision; which is an inherent part of ones self- responsibility b/c one is part of all.

“Will there be a central administration”? So again, those that will act within the best interest of all and are willing to take on such positions will be placed within a central administration. The central Administration will actually guard what all have agreed on which will ensure that every decision that will be made made is within the best interest of All.

Each administration will only be seated for a certain period of time, after such a period another group of administrators will seated in such a position, one can only be seated one year and only ones, again this in order to eliminate possible abuse of the system.

Leadership is each individual responsibility as being part of this world, therefore decision made for all must be within the best interest of all. A Central Administration will be seated by administrators that guard the best interest of all which is leading All within the best interest of All.

Research the equal Money System: http://equalmoney.org/
Further perspectives on How will decisions be made? Will there be a central administration? Equal Money System – FAQ:

Follow the blog books regularly http://store.desteni.org/products/freedom-blogs-the-birth-of-practivism-volume-1
which are available at the Desteni Store http://store.desteni.org along with many other self-supportive products.

Also see the Non-Profit Organization — Equal Life Foundation: http://equallife.org/

The Equal Money system will be a first step in the political agenda of the Equal Life Party worldwide once we start participating in democratic elections. Join the Desteni Forum for discussions.

See life coaching join the forum
visit the forum at http://desteni.co.za

Featured art Work by Rozelle De Lange
Blog: http://equalmoneyexposesego.blogspot.com/2011/10/how-will-equal-money-system-be.html


2011 Peace and Equal Money

Peace sounds like piece which is part of the whole and thats exactly how we currently live the word peace to ease ourselves from the shame inside being unable to live it into being.

A desire for peace is actually only creating the opposite polarity which is war.
We all Desire peace yet we havent been able to accomplish this in this world! So that actually shows us what? that we failed to establish Peace that we haven’t grasp how to practically get to a point where Peace for All is manifested as such. A desire for peace or anything else for that matter is actually overruling the practical steps to establish the factual physical steps to do so.

Belief and disbelief
So inherent within this desire for peace we actually all are in disbelief that Peace could ever be accomplished by mankind, and rather perceive that this is simply a point we have to accept as such. A belief like this isn’t ‘helping’ either because it’s not establishing the desired outcome either. So there must be something we ‘overlooked’.

In essence we all know what will establish peace, it already has been written in the bible “Do unto others as you would have them do to you” so that’s basically summing it, how to get the desired outcome,- up in a nutshell.

If these words would be applied by all equally – voila we would have peace. Simple!

Equal money is giving all what all wants, what you and I want which is money. Preferable enough of it so we don’t have to worry about paying the rent, bills, basically no worries anymore about money. Isnt that what everyone wants! Yes it is,- so the solution is Here!
Bringing Peace to this World = Giving all Equally what you want yourself which is MONEY- Equal Money for ALL.

Peace and Equal Money

An Interview by Bernard Poolman

Peace and Equal Money. Yes, the Message of Peace is in All Major Religions in the World – has professed by All the Leaders of the World, and there is Obviously a Way with which Peace Can be achieved, and that way is with Equality, With Equal Money. With,..Do unto Your Neighbor what you Want them to Do Unto you, because as long as you have more than the neighbor, there’s going to be no Peace. And then, because you have More, you’re the Cause of no Peace. Therefore those with More has got a greater Responsibility – to Stand and Bring about Heaven on Earth. Maybe you are the weakest amongst us or the Strongest amongst us. Time will Tell, because if you have to be forced to Change, through a Majority Vote, which is the System that you’ve abused, then you’re going to have a little bit of a Problem. So therefore, I suggest, it is important to Realize that if One look at the Message of Peace, that Peace should be Realized on Earth in Every Way. And that the Desire for Peace is Overwhelming and is Possible. It is Practically Possible – by Removing, from the Mind, that which Causes Conflict within the Being. That Which Causes Envy, Jealousy, Rage, Anger, that which Causes the Being to Just themselves as Being unfairly treated.
If Everyone is treated Equally, to the Best that they can be treated, in Every Way, the Instances of Conflict will diminish significantly, to a far, easier, manageable level where One can help those that are Born with Genetic Defects – that cause Inner Conflict – where you have Real Mental Disease. And you don’t have to have a whole World where Everyone is Mentally Retarded and dysfunctional. If you look at the Way the Human Acts, and what you see on Television, about how the Human is Standing up for themselves, You have to wonder, if there will Ever be Peace on Earth. Because all you see is Madness and none of it in any way will bring about a Better World for All. It’s going to Require People that are able to – within them – be at Peace and Understand what Peace truly mean within the Context of Equality. And what Quality each must have to be at Peace – to Bring about the Happiness that Everyone is Pursuing. Once Everybody has got their Happiness that they are Pursuing – we will Begin the Process of Manifesting Peace Physically on Earth. And for that, the System Design for that – Investigate in Practically able to do it – is an Equal Money System. Is an Equal Life System. And therefore, we Implore You to Stop and Do, sit down, sit down with a piece of paper and to start, do some mathematical calculations. Where you write down all the things that you would like to be – to have to be Happy and then to See how you can Give all those things to Everyone Else on Earth. And then, to put all of that Together, and you will come to a fascinating Answer. That what you are looking for is in fact Equality – it is a Way where you can get what you want if you Give to everyone what you would like. Because, in Giving to them, they will have no problem to give to you as well. And therefore everybody is Giving and Forgiving. Forgiving is the Way Forward. Self Forgiving, where One Give One, what you yourself would want. And when you give that, everybody that Receives will make sure that you also will Receive. It is Inevitably. We just Walk and Stand and Produce that and find ways to embrace our magnificent potential. And, as One, We will Create a World that is Equal to Life and then We will Be One and Equal to the Best Lives we can Possibly Have within the Constrains of this Physical Reality. If you do that, and the Day you Die, you have to face your Life – you can, with Pride, say, “I gave it my All and I Lived my All and I lived Abundantly in Every Way and No One Suffered while I was On Earth, as I also Did no Suffer and we made the Best of What we Have, the Talents we Have, We Used them, we Did not Hide them, and we lived a Full Life and we are Grateful.”
And you can See for yourself if there could be any God anywhere, that could find fault with a System where All is Equal and What is Giving is What is Best for All. No Sin is Possible in such a System and No Judgment is Possible in such a System and No God can Ever be Angry in such a System. So whether you believe in God or not become irrelevant because you have appeased God, you have pleased God as you have Pleased your fellow Man as you have pleased the Animals and the Plants and all the Living things on Earth, as you have Pleased the Universe. No matter what it is you hold dear, You have Pleased it, you have acted within the highest regard of that Being, honoring it as an, as the very Version, the very Image that you are, Representing that what you Believe, and in such a way that there will be Peace on Earth forever More.

2011 Eckhart Tolle – The End of Suffering?

This is a response to this interview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Deq_1lg9Dlo

Probably everyone wants to end suffering in this world. I mean there are not many people who will say: “Nope lets continue suffering in this world” In essence we all think that we experienced and had our share of ‘suffering’ as well in our lives. So being confronted with this question the majority will response with: “Yes! It’s preferable to end suffering in this world!” Its a political correct answer to give. So what about walking the talk into being?

So lets start with looking at the word suffering which is referred to as a mental or physical state. Mental suffering is what we use the word for in most of the cases we utilise it to address emotional, psychological, and spiritual suffering. Physical suffering we do not or almost never refer to only when someone is physically disabled, handicapped not taking into account the number one cause of physical suffering: Famine.

Physical suffering caused by Starvation, that’s the physical that Suffers. Isn’t this actually a burden on everyone’s shoulders, that we aren’t doing all within our power to end it? Eckhart Tolle claims to have the solutions to end mental suffering by “no longer mentally argue with what is”.

These words bag for the following:
1.3 billion – a majority of humanity – live on less than $1 per day (UNICEF)- This causes undernourishment, and male nutritious which eventually lead to starvation and death, if you don’t have food to eat you as the physical will suffer, try to live without food and see how you are in say about one year, its kind of predictable you will die, a real raw fact which is what is here right in front of us to see and face thats what is for each one to face. “To no longer argue with what is” IS the BEGINNING of Suffering, because men sees yet does not act upon it.

He refers in his video to Jesus words “Finding the pearl of great price, finding the kingdom of heaven that is within you here”

Practisvist, Destonians walk Jesus words into being we state: Lets share the Pearl of great Price with All. The pearl of great Price is Money! Giving all what you want for yourself. Everyone wants to feel comfortable, secure and safe which All can have by giving all what all wants, which is Money. The Price each one has to ‘pay’ for it, is Giving. Then the Pearl of great Price will equalize All for Once and for All! We will ban, Ban the King which is Money, the Kingdom of heaven on Earth will be established without King and D(o)om.

End suffering? Bringing Heaven on Earth!
Give All what one wants for themself, End Suffering, – Equal Money for All.

2011 Lethargy

Lethargy, the Latin meaning is ‘forgetful’ which is illustrating the construct which I participated within, allowing a moment of ‘forgetfulness’ that led to many moments which than led to a ‘stand still’ which isn’t included within I agreed on bringing into being. It seems that when I need to wait and thus be patience for points to fall through I tend to lean back a bit too much as in: “nothing can be done and I must wait for its unfolding”

It’s a bit like abandon ones activities/actions to replace it with a passive action, finding oneself in a waiting room. ‘Waiting’ for the stream, the flood of time, the current of the things to come, which are not here yet, standing in between two points.

Lacking energy as a reaction, a polarity play out of first having too much of it. Being all wind up by all the changes that are already ‘behind’ and now projecting the changes ‘ahead’ of me. The state of /feeling nothing seems to move yet. Allowing myself to go into stress and anxiety b/c of it and then the play out of passiveness. ‘Waiting too long for ones turn’ which than bends into allowing time to fuck with me.

I know that walking points through from beginning till the end is a physical action, it will only be manifested through substantial actions, until its done. I push self, until I live this realisation as me until the resistance is walked through.

The only point that is standing is me being able to direct myself within what I can do within the given moment. For now things are stable meaning there is clarity within the given situation. I can only give myself stability, and live the realization that I give to myself what I want to be in all given moments. So I push until movement as expression is here again.

Teach yourself to Give through Self Forgiveness:http://desteni.co.za/
Give All what you want and what all wants,-Money!
Equal money for All – http://equalmoney.org/

2011 Writing Oneself to Freedom!

Writing is an amazing tool to self, through writing one gives self the opportunity to pull all ‘hidden’ information about oneself which is inside to the surface, outside.

Writing has been and is the ultimate key to self!
Why do we Destonians emphasise on writing as much as we do?
It’s already within the very act of writing, to actually sit oneself down with pen and paper/laptop already implies that one is taking oneself -even if this only for a moment -into consideration! Expressing gratefulness for self through a real physical action, writing!

By writing oneself out on a daily basis, one is giving self the opportunity to open up to the secret/private less preferable part of oneself, to become self intimate, in writing one can slow oneself down.
One can re-enter moments/events in one’s live without being ‘distracted’ by multiple facets while participating within ones reality/world, where one is most of the time automatically responding towards. Without actually realising where, when, why, what and how this response: the ability to respond to ones reality came about.

When sitting down with oneself to write, one gives self a moment to re-access automated responses within events/moments. To allow self a closer look at self, by slowing the whole moment/event down. Placing oneself as the participant in the shoes of self within the memory/moment/event/experience again and see for oneself through pulling out feelings, emotions, thoughts, how one actually has been experiencing oneself within an event/moment. And furthermore who one is, within what one actually does! All revealed through writing!

It will bring the actual, factual, real ‘raw’ lived self/participant ‘on the table’, allowing oneself a Reality Check, a Getting Real, back to Reality experience. I would say all should give oneself such a magnificent gift so join us! Write yourself to freedom. Because:

We all use words, we all know that words can “break you or make you”. So taking this knowledge into account one could state that words are the building blocks of oneself and thus of this reality, when this is so one can change self through words for the betterment of all. If one actually studies how the buildings blocks of you as words have been engineering oneself and thus this world, one can start with changing the process of de-engineering oneself for the betterment of all.

It’s actually fascinating how we’ve never taken into account; despise the knowledge, that words hold tremendous power over us, actually having us all by the balls! This information hasn’t brought us to really question words as us. We’ve all made promises that we haven’t lived and all have experienced how our beloved ones made promises and didn’t lived the spoken words into being. This is what we experiencing when being a child, parents sooner or later demonstrate through example: saying a and living b. All children know this and we’ve all have been children, so we all are aware of it yet this awareness hasn’t been part of our educational years so we didn’t had the tools to act upon it, time to act upon what we know. Educate yourself Writing and words are keys to self.

What are words actually other than building blocks utilised by the inhibitors, creators, us – of reality! Thoughts and words spoken do not immediately manifest yet words are directing situations/people towards a certain outcome.
One needs to understand how we utilise words in this world our reality, which starts of with our current truth the words each one is living. What have we actually brought into being as words as us as our current stance?

We must become living words in the best interest of all, and fascinating enough this will be done through the very thing that actually veiled us all, words! All are in need of re-education and this start of with understanding what words are! A sequence of words is a sentence and a sentence in action is living words. At Desteni we actually want to establish a world/word that’s best for all – so all words must be aligned with what’s best for al and we will Word, the Living Word into being.

By writing oneself to freedom one pulls the words – which have been creating ones reality; this world – outside oneself. From here one can have an unclouded look if these words which now have become visible through placing a mirror in front of oneself through writing – is actually within the best interest of all! Writing on a consistent basis gifts oneself with seeing ones stance! A camera can record pictures about all and everything around itself yet can never record itself. By writing oneself out, one can see what one has been recording over the years, layer for layer. Writing gives one the actual gift to re-enter the past which is lived as the recordings as words, thoughts, emotions, memories, – and bring it here through writing.

Learn more about words and one’s past as recordings that can be faced and seen through writing. Desteni ‘I’ process, writing as self-expression aligned with what’s best for All!

2011 Introducing myself- my story Finding Desteni, the journey to Self

When I stumbled upon my first video at Desteni back in dec. 2007 I couldn’t have imagine that it would actually be the beginning of the end of ‘me’.

I walked the world matrix quite extensively meaning I did my education, got a professional career, got into relationship, got a child, quit my job to be a stay at home mom. The journey, which led me to this life and this version of me, is the actual process I am walking, to study and investigate my accepted and allowed reality within the Desteni ‘I’ process.

I’ve been raised as a Christian yet my parents were not strict in practising their religion. By the time I was ten or so I really saw that Nope the bible and its interpretation cannot in fact be so. From there the journey of finding ‘The Truth” of me began. The LOA has been an accepted part of my upbringing; my family were very much into self-help books and psychology. I sincerely believed that it was my actual plight to live the fullest potential of me and become the best of me within the context of what I accepted as “getting the best out of me” in this life. I was a seeker and collector of experiences I wanted to experience it all one of my mantra’s was: “I only live once so I must make the best out of it here and now” Little did I know then, that yes this is so yet what one will bring into creation all depends on ones starting-point-lol

Whether it was Yoga, mediation, psychic reading’s, drugs, alcohol, clubbing, travelling etc.. I wanted to experience it all and from a matrix perspective yes so to speak, I did it all. By the time I settled down to be a mom, I stumbled upon the living application of what’s best for all, – Destonians and Practivism.

Initially by reading and watching the material what was standing out for me were the words used and the clarity within the sentences, how the message was scripted. I never heard such clear structured yet living real langue before. Which was remarkable because we all use words, so to be able to use words in such a way that all seems ‘new’ creating a platform to look at this world/reality from a complete different perspective, was mind-blowing and a call for more!

The message of oneness and equality wasn’t hard to grasp – it resonated within me as the absolute truth, which wasn’t debatable.

I was actually seeking for the truth/life we all do other wise we would be content with our current truth which is our life, each individual life is each individual truth. So when one is seeking one is living the confirmation that one’s life is a lie, common sense.

I immediately started waking with, initially through writing because in writing one gives self the opportunity to pull all hidden information about oneself which is inside to the surface, outside. Writing is an amazing tool to self.

It wasn’t an ‘easy’ or ‘funny’ or a tralalala experience I must say it took me a while to stabilise within integrating the tools of Self-Forgiveness, Self-Honesty, 4 count Breathing, Self-Corrective Application into my day-to-day living. Through being consistent in writing and applying the tools on a day-to-day basis I created a platform from where I could walk. This obvious takes time, we’ve been creating ourselves meticulously into specificity and detailed as our accepted expression over a period of time, so walking backwards in space-time in order to walk into corrective application to bring about what’s best for all, will take time and consistent self-willed application.

The forums and the blogs by fellow Destonians have been of invaluable support, I haven’t encountered such a place before where people in self-Honesty are sharing themselves, which takes a lot of courage, discipline and will power, I know from my own experiences what it takes to walk with. My visits to the farm with and without the children have given me a glimpse of what it means/will be like to manifest Heaven on Earth. while being at the Desteni Farm one can experience for a moment to live one and equal to truly support and assist each other as a group. To give All what one wants for themselves, security, safety, comfort which is currently only established and given through money, equal money will end the atrocity so we’ll create a platform from where we will value life as it should have been from the very start.

Initially I wasn’t really walking this process for myself I ‘saw’ my children and the ones yet to come I just had to act on the information and knowledge presented to me.I had to at least give me- and thus my children-an equal opportunity to see for myself what I have become and who I am within what I do.By walking with, I got to a clear and substantial understanding that what I live one and equal as expression will be manifested and the living example for all and for my children, simple!

Being a parent opens up the window of Possibilities and Grace. While interacting with Children one is forced to practically walk instantly, immediately within the moment here – lol No room for introspection, just do it!

While participating with my children, falling and standing up again became a daily living practical action!

In fact the children and the factual relationship with them have been and still is a Real wake up call, a Reality check. Reality as physical substantial manifestation isn’t up to ideas, beliefs, conditions etc..it has completely different laws. Its Direct, Here, Immediately within every moment. It’s useless to be or want to be more than the physical it has been the downfall of man, so time to stand up and walk equality for all as the change we will bring about as the real parents of this world, lets get this done!

So give yourself a reality check and walk with,- if you have the couRage!

Thank you,

Image Frida Kahlo:Wat I saw in the Water

2011 Self-Honesty vs Honesty

Taken from Wikipedia:
“While there are a great many moral systems, generally speaking, honesty is considered moral and dishonesty is considered immoral”

Lol yeah I would say that Honesty and being Honest locks into a morality system where one always tries to do the right thing. The ‘problem’/misunderstanding with doing the Right thing atm is that we do not live the right thing which is best for all into being so honesty in fact does not exist.

So Self-Honesty is seeing, understanding and walking into being what’s best for all as a living expression of oneself. In self honesty morality cannot exist; does not exist because one understands that Real Moral is serving whats best for all, no matter what!

Ok, thanks!

2011 Up-Date – Laws within this Reality

I have been extremely occupied with all kinds of practical consideration so basically all boils down to the money point again. Which is nothing new in it self, only the extend of how I came about as money and how thus this reality as money came about is still somewhat of a shocking experience which shows me ones again the vastness of ones/our mind control and how we’ve become money as an absolute. Money has replaced life in every possible way and we actually do not have a clue yet to which extend.

I’m currently walking a lot of legal procedures which are all bound to money, even marriage had become or should I say marriage before the law has become a business transaction. The papers one has to sign and thus is bound to because the written word is law in this reality.

I actually never took the effort to study into detail what I was signing up to when getting married. I actually never had given it a second thought even though I thought I was onto it –lol I know now that this wasn’t hardly the case, legal rules and requirements are constantly changing in this reality. Al depending on what is the most profitable way to bend the legal rules to gain more profit.

Ok so walking world matrix legal requirements which is a study in itself, its like collecting data and with this data you will make the best possible combination yet when you don’t have or aren’t able to work/play with all data necessary you will actually be or get fucked simply because you only see part of the whole. Within the legal ‘game’ one needs to have all in place and positioned so that all is placed within a set of rules. If you place something outside of these rules one can not walk the system it will simply not stand a change within it – so walking the system can only be done with utilising system rules which is something I always thought something that can be bent yet I realise that these rules can’t be change by perceiving that one is ‘bending’ some components of it. Only I can change who I am within it thanks to the Desteni ‘I’ process

Ok that’s it for now,thanks!

2011 BackChat – Divorce and Break Ups

Today I actually defined in one phrase why my marriage and all relationships I’ve been involved in came to an end and how that came about. Through allowing extensive backchat to exist as part of the secret mind as a normal accepted way within a relationship, to ‘give’ each other the right of having secrets within ones mind to withdraw into.

To give some examples if you are not familiar with the term backchat within relationships/marriage. Backchat is the soft speaking voices within that are quite loud in its demands of wanting to win and destroy. It can also be an experience of self where you can’t ‘find’ words for. To give some simple examples: smiling to someone while thinking “shut up” or “I really don’t have time for this”, saying “yes” but meaning “no”, judging your partner for his/her ways,lying,being polite because you don’t want to be rude and the list goes on and on all the things we keep secret to each other, we’re ashamed about, which makes us feel embarrassed and exposed of its existence within us.

I have found within me that when there is only one single refraction that is not openly shared one knows one thing which is absolutely certain because it’s a mathematical equation and the outcome is predictable, the relationship will fall it will not stand the test of time. All will be revealed sooner or later, best if you’re walking with a being to make that sooner than later.

I have learned through an experience = the hard way which takes time, it took me years to stand within it. Best not to go there and be straight and real from the start when walking with someone.

When answers to simple question becomes reasoning and fights for ones limitations without willing to change self one knows one thing, one is fucked- the relationship will not stand, it will fall.

Indicative of any potential of getting to a point of mutual agreement about how to ‘play’ and deal with back chat is definitely the ability to response to each others questions with a clear “Yes” and a clear “No” within this Trust can be developed, anything less than this is unacceptable.
I will make sure that I will never allow any backchat as directive principle within my reality/world again. What ever it takes! I will get it done everything on the table, exposed as the back chat diaries.

Fascinating is that apparently the more dependant one financially is bound to others the more backchat and secrets exist within such relationships. This also applies within the relationship between children and parents.
An equal money system is the solutions to such unnecessary dependencies which creates inequality and thus separation and the urge to win at all cost.

Will be continued…
Backchat as response to your ex doesn’t stop after a break up or a divorce.

2011 Equality as Life Style!

I start over again!
So the decision is made I’ll move out of the house and probably leave the city as well and thus its lifestyle that has been m’I’ne for such a long period of time and by this I’m saying farewell to something a ‘style’ of living that doesn’t serves me anymore.
The structural design within I’m living here in the city is part of or even more accurate is ‘me’ in the old ways. It opened up within me that I simply could let go of this so called Lifestyle I created and constructed here. I’m not this person anymore, that persona as this very construct has died. I have lived this constructed manifested life fully into completion. I actually walked the whole matrix of aDullt life into completion by:
Getting into a relationship/marriage- getting kids- buying a house, the ‘Works’.
Married with children living the ‘perfect’ city lifestyle everything in place everything I placed so carefully for us all after “I lived it all and did it all” fase and before I started walking this ‘I’ process of self-honesty.

It was kind of straining to keep all those persona’s within the structure in place and it’s a full-time job, a commitment for life and I’m done doing so. Actually already some time ago yet I’m still living within the structural design of something; which is of the past, it has become quite useless in fact.

It served its purpose yet it doesn’t hold that purpose anymore. It’s quite fascinating to see how I’ve been meticulously designing myself into and as this ‘persona’ living in the city. From ‘Sex in the City’ to married with children. It freaking takes dedication and effort to establish/ manifest it into being. Sometimes I’m still amazed in awe/respect of others manifestation of how they established their thingy into being not yet realizing in full awareness that I did (all do) the exact same thing. We bring exactly that into manifestation what we intended to do, each single meticulous detail of it.

So from here having a ‘fresh’ look at what we’re establishing within this process of walking into a world that will bring equality for all by establishing an equal money system is of the same meticulous precise detailed placement of oneself within the greater to have eventually an impact, preparing the way before us. If one look at what one is able to create by looking back at one’s life and how this ability to create can be a force of real change when the alignment is adjusted with serving all! We can actually do it and will do so!

Yet now I break up again starting all over again. This time it will be the first time from the starting point of de-engineering myself realigning myself with what is best for all. Its kind of surreal! Can one really do so? Yes one can!

Equality as Life Style all included is my new devise!

2011 Closure

So ok I, it must come to a closure so I will.
The last period has actually been a pause moment a ‘in between phase ‘ this will now come to an end.
There is not so much to say about it, what must be done must be done what must be walked must be walked
and must be walked one step at the time.
I can’t be more or direct more than what I’m able to handle in one breath.

Ok, so let’s do it.

will be continued….

2011 More on Suppression

It has been a bit rough lately.
I also start seeing something else, yesterday I was crying and I was holding myself lying in bed, the tears were flowing and I couldn’t really understand what was going on b/c I rarely cry like that these days. I was holding myself tight, lying in a fetus position with my fingers crossed to contain myself here as the physical and tears were flowing.

I couldn’t really unravel it; it was quite a cool release from suppressed emotional/feeling bodies. This morning humiliation as experience was here for me to look at while opening up through writing and writing SF I started to cry even more I couldn’t stop.

I see that what is severely suppressed is contained within emotional bodies, resonating as such. These bodies are accepted thoughts lived into being; one cannot capture the words that have been creating such entities. Yet it controls one completely. So I walk back and this word humiliation came to surface, stepped forth as experience of self, which was suppressed within wordless emotional bodies/entities or however you want to name them.

It’s really like unwrapping myself, physically actually. Because It’s within the physical were the suppression is wrapped as it, I’ve become this as the physical.

While the physical is definitely supporting me ejecting the shit that shouldn’t be in it. I already walked such ejection of shit, rubbish that shouldn’t be there and I am still diffusing it; which almost becomes a natural thing that accompanies me. It will take time to get the unwanted stuff out.

Ok cool, I actually never have been writing it out as such.

2011 Unwrapping Self-Suppression

Wrap sounds like crap – lol

Underneath anger, rage and embarrassment within me, the real experience lies dormant, which I didn’t yet allowed myself to embrace as part of me. While walking the TL of a Mind Construct a window of opportunity opens up to go to the core of the suppressed slumbering real experience of oneself that’s so tightly wrapped up as more ‘acceptable’/’suitable’ expressions such as anger and irritation.

While walking Time Lines, which is part of Mind Construct within the SRA course, one is slowing oneself down to walk through memories as the actual participant and so opening oneself up. While doing so I see an energetic ‘wall’ which is the resistance, I walk through it to be able to go to the core of the real experience of self that opens up the suppressed experience such as: Feeling less than, Feeling inferior, Feeling unequal.

Experiences such as being inferior/unequal/less than is not a good thing so I deem it as ‘bad’, and must be immediately suppressed

I start opening up more getting and becoming more comfortable with what is here as experience as me while taking this ‘in’. I experience a shock an electrical shock of waking up to the real experience of self; which is through walking the layout of the Mind Constructs within the SRA-Course showing its Real face. Simultaneously while walking through it, opening up I experience a physical relief.
I’m amazed actually in disbelief how something so simple could have lie dormant right in front of my eyes without being able to break through the boundaries of the control.

Self, in –to- me- I- see, becoming familiar with me, getting to know me! Self first!
So this is self-intimacy in actual application, allowing myself to see beyond anger, rage, irritation, to allow myself to surface the suppressed experience. To allow myself to see that I experience feelings such as: being hurt, inferior, embarrassment, feel less and so on it exist within me and its ok to see this part of me which doesn’t imply that its acceptable– lol
It’s here for realignment, a window of opportunity so I can stop the automated suppression of categorised bad experiences of myself.
When did this automated self-suppression become an habitual coping mechanism in the first place?

Ok, Cool!
It’s not that bad – lol

2011 Closing Doors

The future prospect of fucking up again and walking into the same time loop is not preferable, so time to get Real.
And thus: Stay Real! And Be Physical!

So where am I at? And what is Here for me to walk?
Finding myself again Standing face to face with the manifested consequences= Money=Self. Standing in front of this part of me where coping mechanisms patterns starts emerging; which is here once again for me to see and realize a window of opportunity to unravel the totality of the whole pattern. So I can sort it out to not allow myself to walk into unnecessary time loops/experiences again.

Patterns as reactions towards this point:
Sadness as in: “Oh freaking shit no, I can’t handle it” yet suppressed as resonance ‘experience’ I have become this point in its totality. So no need for thoughts to accompany the experience, that’s how one could describe the resonances, patterns that are ‘thoughtless’ yet directive as principle.
Tiredness and sleepiness are indicative of the suppressed state of this point; I actually immediately wanted to sleep as it emerged yet instead I took a bath with the girls, which was great fun-lol.

“Oh no I cant handle this” needs more introspection, it’s a point of self defeat and sabotaging the point of standing all one which also is linked to the matrix of self nurturing that I’m still walking into awareness. I will dig deeper into this write this out into specificity in what I currently see and understand.

Running away: ‘Sneaking’ off to self -created back doors. Running away from walking/ facing the real experience of self, which is suppressed as the accepted habitual nature, tempting and automated to run away again from the real experience specifically related to this point. I see thoughts as back chat coming up yet very slight, it emerges to run off to someone, anything ‘better’ than facing this point head on.
Point of Self- intimacy, who am I as pattern?

I allow myself to remain Here, Solid within me, whole safe, Secure, Comfortable, Strong as Strength anchored in and as the physical walking every moment of and as Here as self commitment as me.

So actually cool! I can from here unravel the pattern, slow it down to root it out
Time to close Doors, simple!

2011 SF Self Suppression

  • Sf on suppressing the real experience within: I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to suppress the real, raw experience within in relation to m’s arrival back ‘home’
  • I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to fear m’s return back ‘home’
  • I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to run away from this fear /this person, from the real raw experience within
  • I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to run away from what I experience within
  • I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to deny the real experience within
  • I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to suppress the real experience within
  • I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to assume that I must strong and keep up face regardless of the real experience within
  • I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to believe that I always must stand within every experience within
  • I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to believe that I always have to be strong and up to the task
  • I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to deny emotions of being hurt within me
  • I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to suppress emotions of being hurt within
  • I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to deny and suppress my feelings
  • I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to suppress what I actually feel within
  • I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to suppress my emotions as they arise
  • I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to suppress my tears
  • I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to suppress my fear
  • I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to suppress how I experience myself in fights, arguments, backchat, cheatings, back stabbing
  • I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to suppress the experience of myself in order to be able to survive within the system
  • I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to believe that I must be strong
  • I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to define being strong as suppressing the real emotions of being hurt within.
  • I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to define emotions as bad
  • I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to define feelings as bad
  • I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to categorise emotions and feelings as bad as a no- go area and therefore suppress them within myself.